Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Aodan on Cape Cod

I did this painting from a photo I took on holiday last year. Aodan was feeling pretty miserable on the day the photo was taken, due to a severe case of sunburn.

I'm pretty pleased with the painting on the whole. It's the biggest I've ever attempted, and I managed to loosen my brush strokes considerably to cover the huge white surface. What I'm still not satisfied with, though, is the fabric of Aodan's teeshirt. I think I've still got some learning to do there.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Laughing Woman (acrylic, 30 x 40 cm)

This painting is modeled on one by the American artist John Currin. I started it about nine months ago, but halted work because I couldn't get the hair right. Today I had another go and got to as near to completion as I will every get it. I am pleased with the solidity and roundness of the head and with the ambiguity of the expression: is it agony or ecstasy?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Aodan on North Berwick beach

Earlier in the summer, we drove to North Berwick with Aodan and his grandparents. This photo was taken on the beach. It's actually Aodan's reflection on wet sand, flipped 180 degrees. I like the way the feet are in focus, while the head is indistinct, as if lost in swirling clouds. The pose is very casual, but the low camera angle makes him seem to tower like a giant. I also like the three distinct bands of white, blue and grey.