Friday, March 27, 2009

Kaspar and my Dad

My Dad and Angela came to stay in Edinburgh last weekend. They both seemed to enjoy themselves. My Dad turned out to be a dab hand at pool. Think he may be better than me in fact, and I certainly learned a few tricks off him. Angela played the piano for the first time in forty years, and she's definitely better than me.  I took this photo on my iPhone and re-worked it in Photoshop.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Am impressive performance...marred only by the fact that he got disqualified

Alan put on an impressive performance at the cross-country trials. Marred only by the fact that his horse went the wrong way and got him disqualified. At least I got some good pictures.

Duns Castle

Last weekend we drove out of Edinburgh on a bright and blustery Sunday morning to watch our friend Alan compete in a cross-country riding competition at Duns Castle in the Scottish Borders. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Art production continues unaffected

Due to the credit crunch, work is very slow at the moment, so I've been spending my time doing art. Here's an example. It's a charcoal drawing on a large scale...60 x 85 cm.