Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Life continues on the estate, but Shannon won't be going back

Last week Edinburgh Art College held its Christmas drinks. The only entrance requirement was that everyone who comes should produce a piece of original artwork on the back of the invitation. Here's mine. It's a pastel drawing from a photograph that appeared in the Times featuring the Shannon Matthews case. Shannon was kidnapped earlier this year, and was later found being held by a relative. During the trial it became clear that Shannon's mother had arranged the kidnapping in order to sell her story to the newspapers.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Aodan holds onto the top of Arthur's Seat

I made my first digital painting today. I took the sketch that I had done of Aodan and coloured it in with digital paint. It's much less messy than painting with oils.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hallowe'en Party

Last Saturday we put in an appearance at the rugby club Hallowe'en Party. 

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Baby gorilla

I'm fascinating by the similarities, real and imagined, between humans and apes.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My brother Alan

This is my brother Alan. The original painting is in acrylic, 5 x 7 inches.

Aodan on top of Arthur's Seat

I sketched this portrait from the photo you can see below of Aodan at the top of Arthur's Seat.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Craiglockhart has got two hills

Craiglockhart has got two hills, Easter and Wester. This is Kaspar, Neil and Aodan on top of Wester Craiglockhart Hill.

Aodan holds onto the top of Arthur's Seat

Since we moved to Edinburgh at the beginning of July, the top of Arthur's Seat has seemed constantly cloaked in mist and rain. This day was no exception. Aodan is clinging on at the top with his hair blowing in all directions.

Reflecting on New York

Far too soon after arriving in Edinburgh for good, we left for a long-planned holiday in the States. This photo shows a pond in New York's Central Park.

First weekend in Craiglockhart

In June we had our first weekend in the new house in Craiglockhart.  We felt like little peas rattling around in an oversized pod.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Half way up Arthur's Seat

At the end of April, Neil took Aodan and me to see Edinburgh for the first time. This is Hollyrood Park, otherwise known as Arthur's Seat.

Me and my dog

Janadriyah Festival, Riyadh

One day in February - how I miss those cool winter days - we piled into a bus and drove to the annual cultural festival at Janadriyah. I found myself mesmerized by this dancing.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Look, I can ski!

Maria, me, Victoria and Scott were the sole survivors after four days of skiing lessons in Chamonix.