Sunday, April 22, 2007

Aodan concentrating on his guitar

Aodan has been learning the guitar for a year or two now, and is poised to overtake his father. He hardly ever even seems to practice, but progresses all the same. Just recently we've taken to leaving his guitar in the living room to encourage him, and he often picks it up and plays.

Friday, April 20, 2007

It's still only April and at our rugby practice it's already 28 degrees

Rugby is a winter support. You run around to keep warm, you cough and spit as the frigid air tears at your lungs, and if you get tackled, you fall softly into the cold, wet mud. But at Sunday's practice in the Amsterdamse Bos the temperature touched 28 degrees and the ground was so dry our boots sounded like horses' hooves thundering across the turf.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Good Friday in the Amsterdamse Bos

Aodan is so busy these days with school, scouts, handball, drama and guitar lessons that we hardly ever seem to find time to go out as a family. Good Friday was a rare exception. Even though Aodan was tired we decided to go for a walk in the woods. Kaspar enjoyed socialising with the other dogs and we all enjoyed the spring sunshine.